Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Typography Is Fun!

Typography is such a subjective (and fun!) realm. I have seen numerous studies over the years that claim serif fonts are more "readable" than san serif, and vice versa - so many, in fact, that I have grown to appreciate the ability to choose your own font preferences from within your browser. If we make a hard-coded font change in our LMS, that will throw people off. They might discover how to change the fonts displayed in Firefox and Chrome. Even better than that, let's put out an info piece on how an individual user can easily select an user account-level Moodle theme for their own viewing preference and needs:

I personally fall into the preference for serif for body copy, and sans-serif for small text for both digital and print, but not in a hard-and-fast way. I think the conclusion statement in this interesting piece says it perfectly:

"The best font choices are ones where readers do not notice the font, but the message."

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