Thursday, October 27, 2016

Banning Smartphones in the Classroom

"A recent study… found that university students who had their devices taken from them scored 17 percentage points lower on a standardized test than those who didn’t. Researchers concluded that students without their smartphones experienced so much anxiety and fear of missing out — or FOMO — that they were unable to focus."

Read more here.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The Perfect eLearning Course?

What I'm reading today:

The Perfect e-Learning Course™ is a legendary creature that changes its shape with each new technological and aesthetic trend. It is all things to all people – classic, yet also fresh, modern, and applicable to all levels of learner experience and skill. I’ve even heard that, when you measure the readability of such a course, the scale doesn’t give you a grade level. It just says “Awesome.”

Read more here.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Setting a Default Font and Size in Google Docs

To set your preferred font and size default for all of your new Google Docs:

1. Open or create a Google Doc

2. Select some text - even just one word - in your choice of font and size of your preference
3. Click the "Format" menu > Paragraph styles > Normal text > Update 'Normal text' to match:

4. With the text still selected, click the "Format" menu again > Paragraph styles > Save as my default styles:

Once the default font has been set, all new documents or presentations that you create will use this font until you change the default option again.