Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Password Security & LastPass

Password Security
On any given day, most of us are prompted for several IDs and passwords. With so many to remember, it is tempting to use one or two simple passwords. Simple passwords are easy for hackers to crack, however. For instance “1234fido” can be hacked in less than a minute!

Make your passwords more secure by following these recommendations:
  • Use a minimum password length of 12 to 14 characters if permitted.
  • Include lowercase and uppercase alphabetic characters, numbers and symbols if permitted.
  • Generate passwords randomly where feasible.
  • Avoid using the same password twice.
  • Avoid keyboard patterns, dictionary words, letter or number sequences, usernames, relative or pet names, romantic links (current or past) and biographical information (e.g., ID numbers, ancestors' names or dates).
  • Avoid using information that is or might become publicly associated with the user or the account.
  • Avoid using information that the user's colleagues and/or acquaintances might know to be associated with the user.

Several unique, complex passwords are very difficult to remember and type correctly. That is why Information Services recommends the use of LastPass -- a free password manager.  Password managers like LastPass perform the following tasks for you:

  • Remembers all your passwords
  • Suggests very lengthy, complex passwords
  • Types your ID and passwords for you, based on your preferences
  • Re-prompts you for your LastPass password, based on your preferences
  • Stores other proprietary data like credit card information, policy numbers, etc
  • Has Form Fill features that offer to fill out standard forms for you

For more information, check out these LastPass Videos.

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