Thursday, April 1, 2010

Moodle Gradebook Scoring Issue

Hi everyone;

There’s a characteristic of Moodle’s grade book we all need to be aware of. If we do not follow this procedure, the grades could be seriously skewed across campus.

When we enter a student’s score on the grid after a test or assignment, that number will indicate not only the student’s performance on that item, but in some cases also indicate her overall performance on the course, based on that item alone.

If a student is missing an assignment, we must manually enter the appropriate cell on the grade book and enter a “0”.

The hyphen that is already in the cells by default simply takes the cell(s) out of the total calculation.

What This Means

If you have ten assignments for the course, each graded out of 10 points, for a course total for 100 points, and a student hands in only one assignment on which he scored 9, then his course grade will read as 90% or A- even though he did only 10% of the course work.

You must open the other cells and enter a “0”.


Terrance Millet M.A., M.F.A.

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