Friday, September 26, 2014

Troubleshooting Auto-Enrollment in Your Moodle Course

"Help! My Moodle course has no students!" We hear it a lot just before and after a new term begins. Luckily, we have a simple 2-step process to enable auto-enrollment for your Moodle course(s), as well as a simple troubleshooting process:

1. Click on the settings gear in the upper right to go to your course settings area:

2. Verify you have input your CRN in the "CRN" field. Make sure there are only 5 digits in that field, and that it's the correct CRN:

3. If you see the proper CRN in the "CRN" field (see above), that possibly means there is an invisible character(s) in addition to the 5 digits. This sometimes happens if you have copied the CRN from WebRunner. Remove anything other than the 5 characters, click the blue "Save and display" button at the bottom, and your Moodle course will be auto-enrolled at or shortly after the top of the next hour!

NOTE: If you are enrolling more than one CRN (section) into a single Moodle course shell, you need to input each CRN into the above CRN form individually (one at a time), as well as input all of those CRNs into the Multiple-Enrollment CRN form (it simply ties all of the CRNs together for auto-enrollment purposes). Just like you tell your students, be sure to read and follow the instructions carefully!

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