Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Moodle Student "Incomplete" Status

Do you have a student who received an "Incomplete" in your Moodle course? Here is our process for accommodating a student with an Incomplete status in a Moodle course:

1) CRITICAL! Make a backup of your Moodle course and include the words "STUDENT_INCOMPLETE" in the filename. This step is important in the event that the student does wish to reattempt the course, so we can restore the backup as a new course shell, with all of their grades intact.

2) RESET your Moodle course.

3) NEXT - If the student contacts you and wishes to finish the course, please contact either Paul or Eric to restore the backed up file (located in the course shell "Files" area).

4) END - Once the student has completed the course, repeat the End of Term processes in the PMC and let the Moodle admins know that this shell can be archived.

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